45 MINUTE CLASS (AGES 18 mo. to 3 YEARS)
Thursdays 2:00- 2:45
This program is designed to help your child physically, mentally and socially. Plus, the added parent/child interaction with no interruptions from home is an added bonus for you and your child. A toddler’s coordination of manual skills is very difficult and frustrating at this age; therefore, the smallest of achievements for your child require praise from you, the parent. This will reinforce their self-esteem. We try to make our classes very cheerful and fun, more like play than work. During this class, the parent will be on the floor assisting and helping their child through the circuits set up by the class instructor. Parents will learn how to guide and help their children learn the basics of preschool gymnastics. What better way to get our children comfortable with their new environment? Plus you get to be a part of it too!!
Class held on Thursdays from 2:00- 2:45
Cost: $10.00 per child
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